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  • The Society of Neurological Surgeons The Constitution


    The society will be called the Society of Neurological Surgeons.  The membership will be limited to 200 active members and in addition:  senior, inactive, and honorary members.  The policy of the society will be to meet annually.  The Society of Neurological Surgeons is a nonprofit public benefit society which is not organized for the private gain of any person or group of persons.  It is organized for public educational and charitable purposes, operating exclusively within the meaning of Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.  Notwithstanding and other provision in these articles the society will not carry on any activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by the society exempted from federal income tax under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue code, or (b) by society contributions to which are deductible under Section 170 (c) (2) of the Internal Revenue Code.  No substantial part of the activities of this society will consist of propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence legislation.  This society will not participate or intervene in any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office.  Property of the society is irrevocably dedicated to education and charitable purposes and no part of the net income or assets of this society will ever accrue to the benefit of any director, officer, or member thereof of to the benefit of any private person.  Upon the dissolution of the society its assets remaining after payment, or provisions for payment, of all debts and liabilities will be distributed to a nonprofit fund, foundation or society.


    The purpose of the Society in carrying on the traditions of the founding members will be:

    1. The continuing development of the field of neurological surgery including graduate and post-graduate education.

    2. To bestow recognition upon persons of outstanding ability and excellence in their work and teaching.  Such recognition may be bestowed by appointment to membership or by appearance on the programs at appropriate times.

    3. To enhance the role and stature of neurosurgical units in academic medical centers.

    4. To insure that patients with nervous system disease received the highest quality of care.

    5. To encourage and support research in neurosciences.


    1. Membership, qualification and classification:

    Active members should hold an important or responsible post in neurosurgery carrying with it responsibilities for graduate, undergraduate, or postgraduate teaching in a university or clinic setting.  Excellence in the practice and study of surgery of the nervous system should have been demonstrated by prospective members.  Candidates approved by the council can be elected by three-quarters affirmative vote of members present at the annual meeting.

    2. Senior Members:

    Active members in good standing are placed on the Senior list when they reach the age of 65 at the end of the annual meeting following the member’s 65th birthday.

    3. Honorary Members:

    These members may be selected from any country in the world provided they have shown unusual and outstanding talent and accomplishment in their work either in neurosurgery itself or in fields closely allied to neurosurgery.  Candidates for honorary membership will be proposed to the Council by the membership committee.  Candidates approved by the council can be elected by three-quarters affirmative vote of members present at the annual meeting.

    4. Inactive Members

    Active members who retire from the practice of neurosurgery prior to becoming senior members, may at their request and at the discretion of the Council be made inactive members.  This decision can be reversed pending a request made to the Council.


    The officers of the Society will be:

    1. President 4. Secretary
    2. President-Elect 5. Treasurer
    3. Vice-President 6. Historian


    The President-Elect and the Vice-President will be elected from the active membership annually by a majority vote at the annual meeting.  The President-Elect will automatically assume the office of the presidency in the subsequent year.  The term for each office is one year.

    The Treasurer and the Secretary will each serve a five year term with their terms of office being staggered.  They will be elected from the active membership at the annual meeting by a majority vote.

    The Historian will be nominated by the Nominating Committee at irregular and appropriate intervals.  Nominated individuals approved by the Council will be presented at the annual meeting and will be elected by majority vote.  Senior members will be eligible for this office.

    The Nominating Committee will consist of five active members.  One member will be elected by majority vote at the annual meeting each year to serve for three years, serving as chair of the committee in the third year.  The immediate Past-Past President, and the Past-President will also be ex-officio voting members of the committee.  The Council will propose the slate for the Nominating Committee.

    Any member can make recommendations to the Nominating Committee for consideration prior to the interim council meeting.  The Nominating Committee will submit its recommendation for all offices at the interim meeting of the Council for consideration and approval prior to presentation to the membership at the annual meeting.

    All terms of office run from the conclusion of the annual meeting at which elected to the conclusion of that annual meeting appropriate to the particular office.


        1. Methods for changing the Constitution. 
    1. A proposal to change the Constitution in whole or in part will be presented at one executive session and lay over until the next executive session before being voted on.  The proposal should be circulated to each member of the society entitled to vote at least two months prior tot he meeting at which the vote is to be taken.  An affirmative vote of three-quarters of those present at the annual meeting is required for passage.  The change will become effective as soon as passed.

    2. Change by addition, subtraction, or alteration:  may be proposed by any member by submitting a written motion to the Secretary for presentation at any regular meeting, realizing that it will be heard again and voted upon at the succeeding annual meeting.