Essential Neurosurgery for Medical Students Supplement

Authors: Daniel L. Barrow, MD & Bernard R. Bendok, MD
Neurosurgery is the medical specialty that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the brain, spine, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves. Although it is fundamentally a surgical discipline, neurosurgery requires knowledge of neurology, critical care, trauma care, and radiology. Neuroanatomy and disorders of the human nervous system may be intimidating to students and non-neurological physicians. All practitioners, however, should be familiar with some aspects of the discipline of neurosurgery. This supplement provides a basic fund of knowledge all physicians should have, regardless of their chosen specialty.
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H. Richard Winn, MD, Prize
The purpose of this international award is to encourage research in the neurosciences and to recognize outstanding, continuous commitment to research in the neurosciences by a neurological surgeon.
The Society of Neurological Surgeons has established a committee composed of neurosurgeons and neuroscientists to evaluate candidates and select an annual awardee. We invite you and your colleagues to submit nominations. In order to encourage a broad solicitation, the Society would appreciate dispersing this announcement to your colleagues and faculty.
Learn more about the award
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Program Director Toolkit
Educational and regulatory demands on Program Directors have become increasingly complex and time consuming particularly with respect to the ACGME Competencies, Milestones and Next Accreditation System. The Society of Neurological Surgeons Website Committee has created the Program Director (PD) Toolkit to provide you with some practical tools for teaching and evaluating residents, as well as educating medical students.
View the Program Director Toolkit